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Alright. I'll do that. But let's be clear, I really think we're burning a bridge here. MCA will never do anything EAP after this.

Posted by: VictorY on Jan 23, 00:43 in response to Vashta Nerada's post Take a Valium. Report it to MCA and let them handle it...

(my opinion).

EAP God Clarification Karl_S Jan 22, 22:37

MCA never joined EAP. They never entered any guesses whatsover. {nm} VictorY Jan 22, 22:51

They have an account and they entered picks. {nm} Karl_S Jan 22, 22:58

I've spoken to Sensei. That account is not them and should be removed. Someone's impersonating them. VictorY Jan 22, 23:05

If they have a problem with it they can use the feedback option. Karl_S Jan 22, 23:11

NO. Remove the account or I'll report it to MCA... Don't make me repeat this... {nm} VictorY Jan 22, 23:12

Take a Valium. Report it to MCA and let them handle it at the site of the game. This isn't the place for it. {nm} Vashta Nerada Jan 22, 23:57

Alright. I'll do that. But let's be clear, I really think we're burning a bridge here. MCA will never do anything EAP after this. VictorY Jan 23, 00:43

You are NOT Sensei right? So you cannot speak for him. {nm} grammar Jan 23, 00:54

No, I'm not Sensei... I already spoke with him once today and he didn't seem happy. We do this and (my opinion) they will never join EAP. {nm} VictorY Jan 23, 00:57

If that's what you want then, like I said, "missed oppurtunity." I don't see this ending well. {nm} VictorY Jan 23, 00:59

If there's an EAP/MCA rumble, can I buy tickets? Will it be in 3D? {nm} Ruthian23 Jan 23, 06:58

Accuracy not being fudged??? Someone intentionally enterting a guess of "0" didn't seem suspicious to you??? VictorY Jan 22, 23:47

You make "Internet threats" and you call somebody else childish. L5 {nm} Vashta Nerada Jan 22, 23:58

Its not a "threat" genius. Here it's much easier to resolve this. We go the feedback route. Sensei and Iron Fist will not be happy. VictorY Jan 23, 00:17

As well as never participate with anything EAP in the future. That would be a missed oppurtunity considering their site's success. {nm} VictorY Jan 23, 00:19

SHUT UP ALREADY! Or at least learn to use, "I" "We" "Us" "You" and "They" properly. {nm} tawdryhepburn Jan 23, 02:25

If it isn't Sensei doing those estimates on EAP God, why do you care about the so-called impostor's accuracy? {nm} accountant_4_Jesus Jan 23, 03:21

He's worried that this will prove how inaccurate mca is. {nm} eyescovered Jan 23, 03:43

Truer words have never been posted. {nm} BionicMoron Jan 23, 05:58

Because the impostor is using MCA's name. Regardless of what you may think of the site, impersonating someone isn't cool. {nm} Roger More Jan 23, 06:06

+ 1. {nm} VictorY Jan 23, 12:58

Thank you Karl, and thank you grammar for looking into this, for your work as always. second gary Jan 23, 06:19

I wonder if there's a way to change the person's name to indicate that it's someone else entering MCA's picks. {nm} Ruthian23 Jan 23, 07:00

I don't see the point in blemishing EAP with an electronic trace of an unwilling participant's guesses, even if entered by someone else. second gary Jan 23, 07:05

Point taken, but I also don't think it would necessarily be a bad idea to enter the predictions for outlets like V, THR, BOG, and others to Ruthian23 Jan 23, 07:22

That would be interesting, but it's beyond EAP's job description, I think, and... second gary Jan 23, 08:12

Yeah, I definitely don't want them to burden themselves with an extra duty since they do plenty already. {nm} Ruthian23 Jan 23, 08:27

Yeah, you're probably right that the person wasn't really claiming to be MCA, but just putting in the site's predictions to compare them. Roger More Jan 23, 08:23

Yeah. I guess I was just kind of saying that I didn't quite get the outrage expressed. {nm} Ruthian23 Jan 23, 08:30

There's a lot about MCA I don't quite get. {nm} stevie1der328 Jan 23, 09:00

The outrage was over a zero being entered intentionally on one of the guesses. It intentionally lowerd MCA's accuracy to make them look bad. VictorY Jan 23, 13:01

I think there is another more charitable interpretation. second gary Jan 23, 13:24

You don't know that it was intentional, and given every thing is public it seems unlikely. Plus it only got one person upset. {nm} Roger More Jan 23, 13:25

(I mean, intentionally made to make MCA look bad) {nm} Roger More Jan 23, 13:28

A lot more than one person was upset. It wasn't a fair deal, you'd feel differently if it was done to you... {nm} VictorY Jan 23, 13:47

Not on these boards. {nm} Roger More Jan 23, 13:56

I'm not sure 3 is really "a lot more than one person". BionicMoron Jan 23, 13:59

No one cares. Go away and take mca with you. It's caused nothing but trouble on here. {nm} eyescovered Jan 23, 14:11

I secretly like the drama. I find it entertaining to read. {nm} PRodQuanta Jan 23, 17:15

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