HSX Forum


So, what did you watch this week? {nm}

Posted by: -JPV- on Jun 18, 10:21

So, what did you watch this week? -JPV- Jun 18, 10:21

Midnight Man (D-), Mission: Impossible (B+), Mission: Impossible 2 (C), Mission: Impossible 3 (A-), Narrow Margin (1990) (C+) {nm} -JPV- Jun 18, 10:23

The Proposal (2001) (B-), Sherlock Gnomes (D+), Thoroughbreds (A-) {nm} -JPV- Jun 18, 10:24

Black Panther (2018) A- , The Party (2017) B+ , Don't Breathe (2016) A- , Heaven Is for Real (2014) B , American Made (2017) B- , {nm} joeoftexas Jun 18, 10:30

The Mountain Between Us (2017) C {nm} joeoftexas Jun 18, 10:31

do they eat that dog? {nm} slipping jimmy Jun 18, 12:10

Incredibles 2 (A) The Incredibles (Repeat A) Please Stand By (C) {nm} Randy Jun 18, 10:35

Incredibles 2 (A+), El Jeremias (B), Overboard (B-), Cult of Chucky (C-) {nm} mexgoer33 Jun 18, 10:41

Incredibles 2 (A-), Atomic Blonde (C) {nm} Wilderness_Journey Jun 18, 10:45

Superfly (C); Westworld (B); Michelle Wolf's The Break (B+) {nm} slipping jimmy Jun 18, 10:57

mtn between us b- would have been higher without the schmaltsy ending {nm} shortit Jun 18, 11:05

do they eat that dog? {nm} slipping jimmy Jun 18, 11:14

Tomb Raider (2018) (B+)...plus for the final, slow-reveal booby trap section which borrowed from Indy but was not bad... Bridge of Spies (B) {nm} tealfan Jun 18, 12:07

Faces Places (A-), How to Talk to Girls at Parties (C+), Zama (C+), Spain V Portugal (A+) {nm} numbersix_99 Jun 18, 12:13

Hell Comes to Frogtown (1988) - D- "Eat lead, froggies!" {nm} DTravel Jun 18, 12:20

pretty sure we still have that around, on betamax probably. {nm} islndr Jun 19, 07:20

Incredibles 2 (B+), Ocean’s 8 (B), Hereditary (A for performances, B for story), The City & The City (A for craft, B for end result) {nm} gsquared Jun 18, 13:49

Jurassic World 2 (B-), Hereditary (A-) {nm} sphere Jun 18, 15:31

St. Vincent B+, Westworld A+, Midnight Sun A, Ali’s Wedding C+, {nm} HollywoodTycoon61 Jun 18, 18:37

ghost in the shell F {nm} shortit Jun 18, 20:49

um well uh, oh well...The Kissing Booth: C+ {nm} islndr Jun 19, 07:20

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