HSX Forum


[KIDS] feels pretty down on NUTFR but wildly optimistic on HTGSC!

Posted by: KidsFund on Oct 25, 14:30

-NUTFR - this thing is pretty close to The BFG in it's marketing and potential. It's also going to get crushed by The Grinch and Fantastic Beasts 2 coming out in rapid fire.  I think there's no way it's making $50M by it's 4th week and is massively overpriced. 

-HTGSC - The Lorax killed it in the BO and was a horrible movie.  This is a pretty relatable film plus previous iterations have made close to $200M by that 4 week mark.  This should be a pretty big movie with over $200M by week 4.  

And thus KIDS has invested appropriately.  

Want to read more?  Go ahead... https://hsxkidsfund.blogspot.com/2018/10/goosebumps-nuts-and-grinches-kids-makes.html#more

Tag(s): KIDS

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