HSX Forum


Certain Fund "Themes" are easier to run than others. With the restrictions on some of the funds, E.g. the Studio Funds

Posted by: Scorpion [FOXX Fund] (a.k.a Scorpion) on Jul 01, 06:20 in response to Teabagger's post Why do HSX have Funds to invest in?? who runs them? and...

it only takes one bad call, or the market to move while you're not around, to set you back quite a bit. The Studio's slate of movies has a lot to do with performance also.

Keep in mind that fund managers are human, unpaid & at times make mistakes.

It looks easy to run a fund, until you actually run one.

Why do HSX have Funds to invest in?? who runs them? and why do they perform so incredible bad? {nm} Teabagger Jul 01, 01:49

Uh-oh........ Facto Jul 01, 01:58

LOL. Yes, my name is a joke, i am a big joke, but the comment i made was really not a joke - however u can sue me for generalising Teabagger Jul 01, 02:53

FIRDR greenmonkee Nov 19, 09:12

FRDIR greenmonkee Nov 19, 09:16

Funds jrgaz2 Jan 19, 20:50

there are a ton of explanations ..here are a few bunty_ketti Jul 01, 04:10

Still doesnt make sense to me after reviewing what they actually been performing taking in account the kind of inflation that exist on HSX {nm} Teabagger Jul 01, 05:27

Several of the funds are run by traders with relatively small ports, and who don't figure much in the weekly top 100 Facto Jul 01, 06:13

Dont disrespect my name handsome, dude i been playing this game for ten days and seems to beat the **** out of the funds here.. Teabagger Jul 01, 09:37

Certain Fund "Themes" are easier to run than others. With the restrictions on some of the funds, E.g. the Studio Funds Scorpion [FOXX Fund] Jul 01, 06:20

Exactly one bad call in a studio fund can really become a bear to overcome. And then you are left stuck hoping the studio has a decent slate UNIVXFund Jul 21, 12:40

you expect us to take you seriously with "teabagger" as a name and member of "Brokeback Mountain Lovers League" and "Scandinavian Erection"? {nm} BANALFund Jul 01, 06:50

Gay-bashing!!! :-P {nm} Facto Jul 01, 07:31

Trade restrictions hamper funds ability to generate wow profits. Back in the days... Wolfythunder Jul 01, 13:50

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