Overture Films has released the first trailer for the comedy The Men Who Stared at Goats [MGOAT] on Apple. Inspired by a real story, a journalist in Iraq uncovers a top secret U.S. military unit that specializes in paranormal pyschological operations. Playing off his more serious roles from Three Kings and Syriana, George Clooney [GCLOO] hams it up with Kevin Spacey [KSPAC] and Jeff Bridges [JBRID] as "warrior monks" who believe they possess psychic powers that can read minds, pass through walls and kill enemies, starting with goats. Ewan McGregor [EMCGR] is an inspired casting choice as the straight man opposite these Jedi wannabes. After playing Obi-Wan Kenobi so seriously in the Star Wars prequels, it's refreshing to see him make light of his role as the original Jedi Master.