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First trailer for The War with Grandpa

101 Studios has launched the official trailer for the family comedy The War with Grandpa [WARGP] based on the book by Robert Kimmel Smith.  Robert De Niro [RDENI] stars in basically Meet the GrandparentThe War with Grandpa is scheduled to open on October 9th.

Sixth-grader Peter (Oakes Fegley) is pretty much your average kid—he likes gaming, hanging with his friends and his beloved pair of Air Jordans. But when his recently widowed grandfather Ed (Robert De Niro) moves in with Peter’s family, the boy is forced to give up his most prized possession of all, his bedroom. Unwilling to let such an injustice stand, Peter devises a series of increasingly elaborate pranks to drive out the interloper, but Grandpa Ed won’t go without a fight. Soon, the friendly combatants are engaged in an all-out war with side-splitting consequences.


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By Antibody on Thursday, August 13, 2020 @ 09:16 AM 653 views

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