Minions 3 Illumination will produce a third Minions animated film from the Despicable Me franchise. Pierre Coffin returns to...
Nosferatu Bill Skarsgard stars as Nosferatu in a remake by director Robert Eggers. The 1922 silent film about a vampire Count...
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hmm in the case of blockbuster warrants,
Posted by: kensanity on Sep 02, 15:41 in response to tealfan's post it's most likely because everyone already has their max...
how is the profit generated on a buy?
ie. if stock makes $100m, costs $30 per share, and strike price is $40m, how much do i make per share? (100-40-30)? $30 mil?
what i'm asking is, if i have $ to spare, I should be getting BWGFO until stock price = or less than Warrant price-strike price?
Underpriced ?? Already made more than 100 million amanaggarwal Aug 19, 21:48
it's most likely because everyone already has their max shares {nm} tealfan Aug 19, 22:17
hmm in the case of blockbuster warrants, kensanity Sep 02, 15:41
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