Classic Cash & You Jul 15, 14:29
Nope, doesn't work {nm} Jul 15, 15:06
I always pick Sunset Blvd., just because {nm} Jul 15, 15:13
Not always, I pick The Birds Every time and am lucky to win once a week...if that. {nm} Jul 15, 15:18
I always pock the {nm} Jul 15, 23:30
I pick the 2nd one, failed 3 times in a row so should be due for a win soon! {nm} Jul 15, 23:31
I once did an experiment and picked the last one 30 days straight and didn't win once {nm} Jul 16, 02:08
once i won it 3 days in a row....i'll never see that kind of luck if i win once a month i throw a party lol! {nm} Jul 16, 13:11
Law Of Large Numbers says that you should be winning about 3x a month... Jul 16, 14:57
He have about a 1per chance3 to lose 30 times in a row {nm} Jul 16, 15:24
Yes - or 4.34523809524 per Month (on Average) to be a bit more Precise. Jul 17, 05:39
OOPS - 6.46 is Average Number of Days for a Win. Jul 17, 05:43
I'm no statistician either.... Jul 17, 06:04
To answer the end, 1 in 7 each day. {nm} Jul 17, 12:55
It might be a fluke, but I seem to win more if I pick the first poster that pops up. Jul 17, 10:40