Movies opening wide usually adjust on late Sunday mornings. If Monday is a US holiday then adjusts take place on Monday instead and count Monday's box office as part of the adjust. You can always check the calendar to make sure.
HSX has calculated that movies usually average about 2.7 times their opening weekend box office in their first 4 weekends of wide release.
Once a movie adjusts for its opening weekend, players invest whether they think that the movie will do better than the 2.7 average ('legs') or whether the movie will do less than the 2.7 average ('frontloaded').
Each movie behaves differently.
Movie ABC makes 10 mill opening weekend and adjusts to (10 mill times 2.7) = 27
Now you would want to invest based on whether you think Movie ABC will get to 27 mill by the time it delists (after 4 weekends of wide release). If people saw the movie and didn't like it, they are likely not to go back or tell their friends not to go see it and it might not make that 27. If people see the movie and really like it, they are likely to tell their friends to see it and they might even go back and see it again and the movie might do more than the 27.
A good way to keep track of how good/bad a movie is doing is the see how it does weekend #2. If Movie ABC made 10 mill in weekend #1 but only made 5 mill in weekend #2, it would have a hard time making its 27. If Movie ABC made 10 mill in weekend #1 and then made 8 mill in weekend #2 then it would be looking very good to make its 27.
Smaller ports should probally only play the movies opening this weekend and then move on the movies opening next weekend. It is not a good idea to tie up a large amount of your money in a stock that you will have to sit around for awhile to see *IF* you made a profit or took a loss.
Understanding and learning how to invest in the weekend openers is the first level of skill at HSX. Once you have more money to invest and have an understanding of weekend openers then you could move on to second level skill (which is 'Post Adjust to Delist).