so you could consider buying more stocks that are Concept, Developement, etc. I find that shorting a lot of those movies will yield good returns over time. Remember that you can short just as many stocks as you can buy stocks - so there are lots of 'deal's that you can find if you look.
Starbonds are easy if you follow Kaigee's Bond charts - he does all the hard work for you letting you knoow how much a bond will adjust - WHEN it will adjust, and how much you can make if you are purchasing it or shorting it - so don't give up on star bonds...
Be sure you own the Movie good players show you what they buy (or short) in their funds and you can consider those stocks, or simply hold those Funds for $$...
There are lots of areas you can consider - shorting, buying, funds, star bonds (shorting or buying) and investing in stocks that are Concepts, Developement, etc...
Good luck!