HSX Forum

Playing & Trading Strategy

Most movie stocks will see a lot of movement up OR down the few weeks before the movie opens...

Posted by: Flash on May 02, 13:36 in response to reggieisdead's post whats with Iron Man 2?

Personally, I don't think it'll make $135M opening weekend, sequels rarely beat the originals in box office - does it happen?... yes, but most of the time, no.  Others apparently believe it will do well over $150M opening - which is fine, too.  The question then becomes.. HOW much more OVER $135M will it do?

I'm hoping it won't do much more than that, but other players feel it will... that's the nature of HSX - guessing how an opener will do.

For the most part though...stocks such as these do bounce up and down a lot the few weeks prior to opening weekend.  I may keep my short on it until it's close to opening, and then decide to hold it short, or cover and buy it long...I'm still up in the air about that part of it...

If you feel the stock will make more than it's current price when it adjusts opening weekend, and if you are holding it long - then hang on and don't worry about the price ride roller coaster.  If, on the other hand, you don't think it will make $135M+ for the weekend, you can always short it and take it from there.

Whichever way you feel it will go, THIS is the most fun part of HSX for me... trying to guess how a movie will do opening weekend...and after 11 years here...it still holds my interest in that regard.

Good luck.

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