The big Nominoptions delistings today have placed the brothers of Delta Tau Chi among the idle rich . . . with more cash (H$4.004 billion) than investments ($3.986 billion) in a portfolio that is (or at least is believed and intended to be) fully invested, holding every security offered at HSX. This is the first time we can remember possessing more funds in cash than in investments.
(We are a few shares shy of entirely full investment because we use holdings of 99,999 (for MovieStocks), 19,999, and 19,998 (for CelebStocks) as signals when 'playing the players' or trading in rapid movers.)
We hold most MovieStocks short (roughly 775). We hold all funds long. CelebStocks and derivatives are a mixed bag.
(KaiGee's invaluable market summaries make it easier to recognize when we do not hold a security, usually as a result of the second leg of a cover-buy or sell-short failing to register. Thanks, KaiGee!)
We also are grateful to Antibody and HSX for providing a fine entertainment; to Mr. Binns, whomever was proprietor of the greatly missed Post-Adjust Bond Show, and many other traders who graciously shared information or insight that has been invaluable over the years. To everyone who has helped us . . . and to those who are reading this: "Grab a brew. Don't cost nuthin'.'