HSX Forum

Playing & Trading Strategy

Interesting thought...Not sure how you would 'value' a port I held...if their port goes up $1M...do I get $1M also??

Posted by: Flash on Jan 24, 13:48 in response to NeilSite_VanThomas' post Cool Idea: HSX Ports As A Security, Like a Fund {Read...

I'm sure there are lots of "bugs" that would need to be clarified...but it seems like the larger ports that are successful, would be the ones everyone would want to invest in, no??  Plus, with other FUNDS, we can see what they hold...I'd LOVE to see what some of the big ports hold, or don't hold - and 'how' they hold some shares.

Plus, couldn't this lead to manipulation of stocks once I see what ABC's port is holding?  IF VIEWING that port is 'allowed?"

Nice to think about though! 

Cool Idea: HSX Ports As A Security, Like a Fund {Read More for Rules...} NeilSite_VanThomas Jan 24, 08:27

Interesting thought...Not sure how you would 'value' a port I held...if their port goes up $1M...do I get $1M also?? Flash Jan 24, 13:48

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