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What's the difference between selling and short selling ? (i read the help section :s)

Posted by: kruger on Oct 25, 12:10


What's the difference between selling an stock and short selling it ? I read the helps but english isn't my mother tongue so I might miss something here.

Short selling is when u think the prices will drop any time soon right ? But then I could also sell the stocks.

Lets say I have a 1000 shares of the same moviestock and that on the course of one day they all grow to a total value of +500 h$. And let's say i'm happy with that, so I want to make money out of it and not live in securties. So I can either sell all my stocks or short sell them, what's the difference please ? Will one make me more money than the other ?

I new to this site (which is awesome lol, especially when you're interested in economy and love movies !), and just started to get interested in economics so sorry if my questions is a bit dumb ^^, any help appreciated !

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