I have a question - when people talk about rest trading - what sort of actions are they talking about? {nm} Apr 15, 10:46
sorry should read "reset" {nm} Apr 15, 10:47
the site resets for the day at 12 midnight pacific. reset trading occurs right after reset {nm} Apr 15, 11:16
The daily changes in Moviestock prices are re-set to zero at mignight PST. Reset traders jump on the first stocks to move in either Apr 15, 14:17
When there is no news or other reason for the stock to shift does this really work? Apr 15, 17:06
Thanks thats useful.. I have been staring at the list of moviestocks moving and wonderig what everyone ... {nm} Apr 17, 10:34
how did we get so many new ppl all of a sudden? {nm} Apr 15, 18:35