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Same reason I dumped it a month or so ago. Lame trailer, no established foundation, high price. {nm}

Posted by: DTXbro (a.k.a SenJohnBlutarsky) on Apr 17, 17:53 in response to unaturalx's post THOR

But I can be wrong.Ā  For example, I once refrained from spitting on a passed-out Omega.

THOR unaturalx Apr 17, 17:41

possible explanations: 1)some traders don't believe it can open at 65; 2)people are freeing up money for other stocks; 3)people are riding Paul2k Apr 17, 17:46

Goofy trailer and not an established film franchise, too. Remember how low [IRNMN] was pre-release in 2008. {nm} dsbmanYTD2011 Apr 17, 17:49

may be hollywood is ODing on Portman.. she is in every movie coming out this year... :) {nm} b4bad Apr 17, 19:14

I caught the elevator on the ride back up, got off, and plan on riding it back up after the price drops. {nm} Panachevitz Apr 17, 19:38

Same reason I dumped it a month or so ago. Lame trailer, no established foundation, high price. {nm} DTXbro Apr 17, 17:53

Probably because traders haven't read the positive reviews that have been posted. {nm} secretstalker Apr 17, 18:12

a good movie doesnt necessarily translate to box office $$$. {nm} adrenalin112 Apr 17, 18:34

But worries about a movie based on trailers can be dissuaded by early positive reviews. {nm} secretstalker Apr 17, 18:45

Aren't comic book adaptations tired though? I just listened to Slashfilm/Collider's podcast on it...and sounds like it's good but not an GMov Apr 17, 19:12

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you generally hate everything? {nm} secretstalker Apr 17, 19:30

Nah dude. Me? Hardly. I just posted earlier that I thought Hanna was great. Most of my posts have been on movies that I've really enjoyed GMov Apr 17, 19:34

Agree on Green Lantern...looks like a stinker of comedic proportions. {nm} stevenj1127 Apr 17, 22:43

im thinking the worry comes from the repeated underpar openings in 2011. i view the trailer as a wash, not spectacular or terrible. {nm} adrenalin112 Apr 17, 22:23

If by tanking you mean coming down from a high of $209, almost every movie seems to get overinflated, then correct {nm} forlorne Apr 17, 20:06

An opening weekend of over $80 million was never very realistic {nm} forlorne Apr 17, 20:06

Only an occasional comic book reader myself... stevenj1127 Apr 17, 22:09

Just don't see it opening over $70m given the lack of name recognition for both cast and the character; may not open to $50m {nm} xiayun Apr 17, 21:19

directionally I agree, though that is a pretty strong w/e for movies. and it is the first tentpole of the summer season (May and fwd) {nm} GMov Apr 17, 21:50

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