Arc Entertainment opening John Carpenter's [TWARD] in theaters on 7/8, will be on VOD 6/8 May 12, 15:17
I've noticed a lot of movies with this type of release pattern...have any done decent BO? What was the best? {nm} May 12, 15:33
My understanding is that if you do a cost/benefit analysis of the marketing costs to grosses ratio May 12, 16:13
VOD is the revenue source, not theatrical. No word of mouth is sought after for the theatrical {nm} May 12, 18:30
i am love did 5mil {nm} May 12, 18:22
I Am Love was Magnolia, but didn't go out on VOD first, I believe, or it would have been ineligble for Oscars {nm} May 12, 18:46
Two Lovers is Magnolia too and I've been told VOD doesnt make a film ineligible as long as it gets a 1 week run before {nm} May 12, 19:14
Which cable/satellite providers will carry the VOD? {nm} May 12, 15:33