Ouch for all pretty much {nm} Aug 19, 23:37
It should do decently overseas at least, right? {nm} Aug 19, 23:48
That doesn't help LGF cause they see none of that.... $30 million domestic equates to roughly $17 million for LGF. {nm} Aug 20, 04:17
Sky Kids should make a profit considering its small budget and the legs kids films usually get. {nm} Aug 19, 23:51
Also it's kind of sad that Fright Night is doing worse than Priest, but I'm guessing people have finally had enough of vampire movies good Aug 19, 23:57
What was the budget on Fright Night? {nm} Aug 20, 00:30
Colin Farrell can join her in the "Needs a comeback" category. {nm} Aug 20, 00:53
Wait, so is Nikki really thinking that Sy Kids will have the same internal mult as Conan? Silly Nikki. Aug 20, 04:18
I suppose it doesn't matter for those people holding the OW short... {nm} Aug 20, 04:33