mtc 130 hunger game {nm} Mar 20, 13:07
YES! {nm} Mar 20, 13:09
You know i just feel that shorting hunger games 2 on friday might just be a winner, so that when the first film Mar 20, 13:13
you are not suppose to announce your trades :) {nm} Mar 20, 13:14
Sorry wasn't the intention and will i have the guts to burn 20 plus million on a crazy **** hunch and the Mar 20, 13:20
Your post was fine. It wasn't a just completed trade. {nm} Mar 20, 13:26
How far in the future does a trade have to be for it to be acceptable to post? 1 minute? 5 minutes? 1 day? A week? {nm} Mar 20, 13:39
where do you get a 20 million commission? Mar 20, 13:32
Cost of shorting hgames2 at moment would be 21million plus the commision which obviously is not 20 million {nm} Mar 20, 13:38
good luck! {nm} Mar 20, 13:54
you and me both my man. {nm} Mar 20, 13:50
So if RS would have posted a 95mill OW would that .................... Mar 20, 13:49
EXPLOSION! {nm} Mar 20, 19:43
Tagging MTC: [HGAME] 130 {nm} Mar 20, 14:54