mtc 15 cabin 13 stooge 7 lockout {nm} Apr 09, 20:22
RS from a page back: stooges low 20 cabin almost high teens lockout low double digits Apr 09, 20:31
so based on the rule, Stooges is going to bomb HARD. {nm} Apr 09, 20:37
*Pokes bananaz in the eye* {nm} Apr 09, 20:38
Stooges were on WWE Raw tonight; did not go over well with the fans Apr 09, 20:39
The fans booing everytime they were on screen was the only funny part of their appearance. {nm} Apr 10, 06:07
That's what watching the movie would feel like. {nm} Apr 10, 01:40
well deserved nuk nuk nuk {nm} Apr 10, 00:55
I fear for Cabin's legs. I hope USA can accept it. {nm} Apr 10, 00:56
Lockout doesn't look any better either; Cabin is fine {nm} Apr 09, 21:23
Tagging MTC: [CBNWD] 15 [3STOG] 13 [LCKOT] 7 {nm} Apr 09, 21:23
Whoops. {nm} Apr 09, 21:30
That's too bad for Lockout. Looks pretty darn cool.. even if Guy Pearce looks weird with huge arms. {nm} Apr 10, 06:32