HSX Forum


It's because 'actually' can mean different things, depending on where it's placed in a sentence

Posted by: RogerMore on May 06, 07:27 in response to Razakius' post Not sure if anyone said it was a bad strategy, until elchan

There are actually three funds that went 100% on AVNGR: correction

There are three funds that actually went 100% on AVNGR: surprise

If you really want to be "All in" , There at least 2 Funds that ought to be renamed AVNGRFUND PaulBuxton2011 May 05, 23:27

correction... PaulBuxton2011 May 05, 23:31

There are 3 funds actually that went 100% Avengers {nm} Razakius May 06, 04:51

....and these are bad strategies? Object of the fund: to maximize profits. Do you have better ideas for short term gains? {nm} Buy StarBond Fund 18 May 06, 06:10

Yes bad strategy for a fund. It's supposed to represent smaller risk than buying the equity directly. elchan May 06, 06:15

Not in HSX. Funds are more about showing new traders how to play, and how different strategies work in action. RogerMore May 06, 07:02

Just because that's what funds are currently in HSX, doesn't mean that's how it should be. elchan May 06, 08:33

You're right, fund managers shouldn't make risk-free investments that result in colossal gains. In the real world they'd get fired. Roger More May 06, 09:01

Not sure if anyone said it was a bad strategy, until elchan {nm} Razakius May 06, 07:04

It's because 'actually' can mean different things, depending on where it's placed in a sentence RogerMore May 06, 07:27

Translation for RogerMore RHAWK May 06, 07:30

Translation for Razorhawk RogerMore May 06, 07:47

+1 for proper usage of both imply and infer. Tanker May 06, 07:57

is this correct? RHAWK May 06, 08:04

You are correct, 100%. It is a pet peeve, like nails on a chalkboard. {nm} Tanker May 06, 08:35

J.L. Austin thanks you for your efforts. :) second gary May 06, 08:10

AFRAM is invested in as much Avengers as it could afford. {nm} AFRAMFund May 06, 05:26

As is DISNXFund (nm) DISNXFund May 06, 07:11

Sometimes it comes to timing. Last summer, a lot of mature funds, like EURO and BRITS, had the H$ to max out HPOT8. Tough when it is so Buy StarBond Fund 18 May 06, 07:14

Sorry it took so long to get on board. AFRAM always grew nicely, Today's adjust is perfect excuse to do what I had meant to for weeks. {nm} Ryan_Stewart May 06, 08:53

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