ERC: Sonys Singularity has been removed from its release date [SNGLR] . Thursdays IPO White House Down takes it (11/1/2013) May 08, 09:00
Wrong Singularity. It's SINGU {nm} May 08, 09:05
No its not its SNGLR (singularity-sony) {nm} May 08, 09:07
** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** May 08, 09:09
yep you are right I was just refering to the title, hadnt read the link {nm} May 08, 09:10
ERC is wrong, like they were with Sacrifice. {nm} May 08, 09:56
Does SNGLR star JHART and NCAMP? May 08, 09:10
It says Roland Joffe's, which is SINGU May 08, 09:08
huh yeah this is confusing. it says sonys tho, which would be the other. hmm antibody help us! {nm} May 08, 09:09
Did research.... the Singularity in question seems to be SNGLR ~ explanation inside May 08, 09:16
yeah. erc must have confused the 2 . why would a wrapped hartnett film get a date like 11/1/13 {nm} May 08, 09:17
tagged news says that the harnett film ran out of money and was never finished. May 08, 09:19
Ah, thanks. Makes sense now. {nm} May 08, 09:26
thanks for clearing this up RazorHawk! {nm} May 08, 09:29
I replied to ERC via Twitter, and it IS the REMME film. May 08, 09:52
cool thnx {nm} May 08, 10:55