HSX Forum


ERC is wrong, like they were with Sacrifice. {nm}

Posted by: Antibody on May 08, 09:56 in response to RazorHawk's post ** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! **

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Dog Man H$25 Put (DOGM1.PU) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          James Mangold (JMANG) 25000 138.72 (-1.33)          28 Years Later (28LT3) 100000 111.75 (+0.33)          Dog Man - Opening Weekend (DOGM1.OW) 100000 25.00 (0.00)          Running Man (TRUNM) 125000 87.36 (+0.63)          Omaha (OMAHA) 2000 2.00 (0.00)          Flow (FLOW) 150000 4.00 (-0.02)          Superman (SUPRM) 133 247.82 (+0.01)          Marty Supreme (MRTSU) 150000 20.87 (+0.06)          Project Hail Mary (PRJHM) 100 119.83 (-0.10)          James Mangold (JMANG) 25000 138.72 (-1.33)          James Mangold (JMANG) 25000 138.72 (-1.33)          F1 aka Untitled Formula One (FORM1) 150000 80.39 (+0.16)          Companion H$10 Put (CMPAN.PU) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Presence (PRSNC) 1000 23.48 (-0.07)          Dog Man H$25 Put (DOGM1.PU) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Dog Man - Opening Weekend (DOGM1.OW) 100000 25.00 (0.00)          Dog Man H$25 Call (DOGM1.CA) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Harris Dickinson (HDICK) 25000 17.13 (-0.70)          Companion - Opening Weekend (CMPAN.OW) 100000 10.00 (0.00)          Companion H$10 Call (CMPAN.CA) 25000 2.00 (0.00)          Omaha (OMAHA) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 149999 35.05 (+2.09)          Clue (CLUE) 50000 19.89 (+0.01)          September 5 (SEPT5) 1000 10.54 (-0.52)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 75000 35.05 (+2.09)          Pokemon: Detective Pikachu 2 (PIKA2) 150000 34.54 (+0.01)          Weapons (WEPNS) 150000 34.03 (+0.16)          Gremlins 3 (GREM3) 150000 1.78 (+1.08)          Dog Man - Opening Weekend (DOGM1.OW) 100000 25.00 (0.00)          Boyd Holbrook (BHOLB) 25000 53.77 (+1.18)          Untitled Alejandro Gonzalez Inar (UAGIP) 100 73.89 (-0.16)          Boyd Holbrook (BHOLB) 25000 53.77 (+1.18)          Companion - Opening Weekend (CMPAN.OW) 100000 10.00 (0.00)          Mike Flanagan (MFLAN) 20000 31.12 (+1.12)          Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle (DSIC1) 150000 22.50 (-3.40)          Omaha (OMAHA) 150000 2.00 (0.00)          Susan Sarandon (SSARA) 25000 22.42 (-1.03)          Aaron Taylor-Johnson (AJOHN) 25000 66.25 (+1.00)          Aaron Taylor-Johnson (AJOHN) 25000 66.25 (+1.00)          Harris Dickinson (HDICK) 25000 17.13 (-0.70)          Untitled Alejandro Gonzalez Inar (UAGIP) 100 73.89 (-0.16)          The Man with the Bag (TMWTB) 150000 30.52 (+1.71)          Gremlins 3 (GREM3) 150000 1.78 (+1.08)          Locked (LOCKD) 150000 5.91 (+0.84)          Wolf Man - Opening Weekend Fri-M (TWLFM.OW) 100000 21.32 (-0.61)          A Legend (ALGND) 150000 0.29 (-0.68)          Edward Norton (ENORT) 25000 28.90 (+1.50)          Juror No. 2 (JUROR) 150000 0.75 (-0.21)          Dune: Messiah aka Dune: Part Thr (DUNE3) 989 186.37 (+1.23)