The main difference between the successful traders and the unsuccessful traders at HSX is mainly that the successful traders learn how things are and make investments based on knowledge of the past. The unsuccessful HSX Players spend their time talking about how things should be and make investments based on their feelings of what they think the future should be.
"There are many prediction sites predicting only 80 m or less. Do we realy believe this?"
There are websites who make their living and exist only to estimate box office and they are predicting "only 80 m or less". They ("many prediction sites") seem to be in agreement.
You posted that you have no research. Here are some links to help you.
"tried to look it up, could not find it.... {nm} Gavin on Nov 07, 06:12"
"So if Avngr, Avatr, Batm3, Tfrm2, Pirt3, Shrk2, Lrdr3 etc were first released on the 14th December 2012, then they would all open to less then $80 million. This i find hard to believe"
Avatar was released on December 18, 2009 and made 77.02 opening weekend (link)
Lord Of The Rings 3 was released on December 17, 2003 and made $72.62 opening weekend (link)
Here is a chart of the top December opening weekends of all time (link). No movie has ever made more than $80 on opening weekend in December.
Players can keep "guessing", "hoping", "wondering", "wanting" but it usually makes more sense (and profits) to base investment decisions on knowledge. There is a chance that any movie could break out in December and do better than any other movie in the past.... but Avatar could not do it. I Am Legend could not do it. Lord Of The Rings 3 could not do it.
The prediction websites are saying $80s. HSX Players are agreeing and saying $80s. The tracking is saying $80s. The HSX stockprice is now shifting to reflect that it agrees with $80s.
When/if the thinking about an $80s opening weekend changes, it will most likely be revealed thru updated tracking and/or pre-sale tickets and that new information will be posted on the HSX boards and players can make changes to their investments (as needed).
In my personal experience, it has always been more beneficially to go along with the consensus of the group (other traders, tracking, guessimators) and then if I have any strong opinions (thoughts, hopes, guesses, gut feelings) I wait until closer to the final halt before I jump off and change my investments.