Romy & Michelle 2 Mira Sorvino and Lisa Kudrow reunite as Romy and Michelle in a sequel to the original 1997 comedy. Robin Schiff...
Mufasa: The Lion King The Lion King remake will continue with a prequel that explores the origin of Mufasa and his rivalry with Scar....
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i guess our neigbors up north don't like circus?
Posted by: Oleg Max (a.k.a Oleg_Max) on Dec 08, 14:26 in response to second gary's post That is dismal; I wonder what's going on? I saw the...
or don't like filmed circus, perhaps?
MCN: HPHUD fri $23.5k / 4 theaters| WFLIT fri $10.2k / 11| LAYFV $6.7k / 61| DEADF $5.6k / 10| FITZC $2.6k / 4| INOUR $1.7k / 1*Bonus Inside Oleg Max Dec 08, 10:13
HPHUD avg is pretty good, rest DOA {nm} Oleg Max Dec 08, 10:14
That is dismal; I wonder what's going on? I saw the trailer before LIFPI, and thought it looked solid. {nm} second gary Dec 08, 12:25
i guess our neigbors up north don't like circus? Oleg Max Dec 08, 14:26
Mais je viens de Toronto, et nous aimons le cirque tres bien. {nm} second gary Dec 08, 15:08
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