I mentioned TRPLT in July only took six months for an IPO {nm} Jan 20, 16:45
I cannot imagine this movie will really ever be made. Jan 20, 17:15
What's your point? {nm} Jan 20, 17:30
Some movies take ages to be made.. the period it takes for news to warrant an IPO doesn't guarantee a movie will be made {nm} Jan 20, 18:16
Elchan, for your info.. My network is weak so I didn't realize I posted twice.. {nm} Jan 20, 18:38
I know it happens to me all the time and I have 5mbps. I think the server has a delay to prevent spamming. {nm} Jan 20, 19:07
Some movies take ages to be made.. the period it takes for news to warrant an IPO doesn't guarantee a movie will be made {nm} Jan 20, 18:21