returned to see the trek numbers... being a trekkie... May 18, 13:14
I think the franchise is valuable enough that there's always potential for another one. Like Bond, or Batman. May 18, 13:19
more like 99-1% Paramount obviously doesn't care about the quality so it won't take long to crank out another Orci/Kurtzman special May 19, 18:04
I must not be a traditional fan+++ May 18, 13:34
Considering JABRA is systematically re-writing the the past movies, it almost seems like an insult. At least be original. {nm} May 18, 14:40
People call me nuts this week. Take a look powerball effect box office this weekend May 18, 15:28
Well lobogotti, its a few hours late, but here it is...{nm} May 18, 15:37
when I see = when I saw {nm} May 18, 15:51
I really try to stay neutral, but man am I having a laugh on this one. {nm} May 18, 15:50
Latino Review is teasing that they know JJ Abrams choice to direct it and that it is a fanboy fave with marvel experience {nm} May 18, 19:57
Ben Affleck! {nm} May 18, 20:28
It's borderline insane to think they won't make more Trek movies May 19, 08:34