RT: TREK2 87%, IRNM3 78%, 42 77%, FAST6 73%, CROOD 69%, EPIC 63%, OBLVN 55%, GATSB 50%, PAING 46%, HNOV3 21%. {nm} May 25, 09:15
Being the best in a collection of mediocrity is not a sign of quality. {nm} May 25, 09:37
Exactly. Star Trek is one of the few flicks on this list that are solid films. But most are just garbage anyway. {nm} May 25, 10:14
No. {nm} May 25, 09:37
Just one week ago everyone was expecting it to open much bigger than TREK1. Nice job holding up well... {nm} May 25, 09:55
Making the same box office on a bigger budget means he JJ owes the apology May 25, 10:14