If there's one lesson to take from the 2013 box office, it's to always bet on original sci fi. Aug 08, 15:19
And the IM is the most important part of your message... So true. {nm} Aug 08, 15:43
I think competition's only part of the story - after all, there doesn't seem to a lot of direct competition for ELYSM's audience this w/e Aug 08, 17:26
I think it's way too early in Blonkamp's career to say that. Look at Guillermo del Toro, who has a more established Aug 08, 19:23
Elysium is #3 on the Fandango iPad app...which is pretty surprising for a movie that should have advanced sales appeal {nm} Aug 08, 16:24
Not surprised Millers is ahead of it but very odd that Planes is as well {nm} Aug 08, 16:26
PLANE is NOT by Pixar. {nm} Aug 08, 16:52