Since the original article has huge spoiler.... I only post some non-spoiler part of the article in here
"I spoke to a person who saw Avatar and he said the action scenes delivered everything you'd expect from Cameron, even in this digital form. Visceral, detailed, a 'first-person shooter' experience on the biggest game screen ever hoisted.
"The simple, predictable story was deemed as almost perfunctory, as if adding too much storytelling and exposition would have amounted to a sensory overload. After all, no one discusses 2001: A Space Odyssey in relation to its plot. Star Wars either.
"And I was also told that despite all the trappings of special effects, blue people and CGI skies, Sigourney Weaver still manages to register strongly with warmth and a commanding presence." -- an HE friend who gets around and knows people.
If you don't mind to read the huge spoiler of AVATAR, you can read the original article in this link. (Warning: the article in the below linkĀ has huge spoiler of AVATAR)