Minions 3 Illumination will produce a third Minions animated film from the Despicable Me franchise. Pierre Coffin returns to...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Paramount is producing a third Sonic the Hedgehog based on the SEGA videogame series.
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DARON: just added the legend nick nolte as the watcher samyaza in [NOAH] . long live the nephilim!
Posted by: Antibody on Jan 14, 09:41
Tag(s): NOAH
DARON: just added the legend nick nolte as the watcher samyaza in [NOAH] . long live the nephilim! Antibody Jan 14, 09:41
And the villagers rejoiced. Atta boy Nick! Cape Fear remake still one of my favorite movies. {nm} jdaniel Jan 14, 09:54
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