V: ‘Transformers: Age of Extinction’ Has Year’s Biggest Opening Day, Set for $104 Million Weekend
Jun 28, 08:36
41.6 estimate box office mojo
Jun 28, 09:04
if you take out the midnights, that's just over 6 million more than Captain 2 did on Friday. which hopefully equates to a strong Saturday
Jun 28, 09:32
maybe but that was less of a sequel
Jun 28, 09:37
what was less of a sequel?
Jun 28, 09:44
I haven't watch alot of those movies but wasn't captain america in a film or two last 5 years? like Avengers or something.
Jun 28, 09:45
no, that is the 2nd film in the Captain America franchise
Jun 28, 09:53
lol totally never heard of the first, thought that was the first one.
Jun 28, 09:57
so that tells me two things about you.... 1st, you're new to the game and 2nd you're not from the US
Jun 28, 09:59
Played in 2000 2001 and hardly have any movie investments
Jun 28, 10:02
+2. "Like the Avengers or something?"
Jun 28, 10:02
I live in US actually
Jun 28, 10:17
odd that you play this game and live in the US and never heard of the first Captain America film. $176M BO domestic
Jun 28, 10:23
Or "Marvel's The Avengers," which came out just 2 years ago and was a $623M titan domestically, #3 all-time. HSX lit up like the sun.
Jun 28, 10:46
Just worked out that way, some years I see dozens of movies in theatres and some I hardly see any.
Jun 28, 11:20
I did see all 3 ironman ones.....just never got around to pulling out this dvd of Avengers I bought last year.
Jun 28, 09:46
You probably better comparing T4 to a sequel.
Jun 28, 09:49
Spiderman was a sequel, Captain America was a sequel, Godzilla was a reboot
Jun 28, 09:52
I will never understand Michael Bay's appeal. This is not Transformers as I know, but a crappy hollowed imitation, so it can't be TFRM fans.
Jun 28, 09:21
Why don't you tell us how you really feel. lol Was it really that bad?
Jun 28, 09:24
It's bad when heavy marketing yells at me that a new "Transformers" movie is coming every 2-3 yrs, and there's no chance I'll enjoy it.
Jun 28, 09:36
I think paramount is pretty happy with bay and transformers. It's more a question if he wants to come back.
Jun 28, 10:03
If they can afford him. A crap director costs excessive amounts of $$, yet there's talented young up-and-comers that cost much less!
Jun 28, 10:10
thats your fanboy talking. it doesnt matter what you want. Think about it from Paramount's point of view. Bay is "talented" and "effective"
Jun 28, 10:16
That's only a solid formula until "been there, done that" isn't just something critics say, but fans say too. Any franchise can be worn down
Jun 28, 10:22
thats true. Just look at Spiderman. But this one aint there yet. Studios know that franchises go up and down.
Jun 28, 10:27
There have been some amazingly innovative, fresh ideas in old franchises recently. I've been impressed all year. But then "Transformers"...
Jun 28, 10:31
I'll quote Billy Bob from Bad Santa: "well, they all can't be winners, can they?"
Jun 28, 10:35
Thanks for the link!--in context, that's surprisingly fitting. "Transformers" is my advent calendar, & Michael Bay's is just a candy corn.
Jun 28, 10:50
Who's the more foolish: Michael Bay, or the fools who follow him? I'm boycotting "Transformers: Age of Extinction," I don't count.
Jun 28, 11:01
get used to it, this film will kill it overseas. they have many more sequels to churn out with the same "winning" formula.
Jun 28, 09:40
I'd hope that Paramount hasn't screwed the "Transformers" name to the point where no reputable director would bother with it. Lol "winning."
Jun 28, 10:01
but they see nothing wrong when A- cinema scores and $100M OWs happen. to them the critics need not apply
Jun 28, 10:07
I wish the darkest nastiest curses, swears & cusses were allowed on the Forum to express how angry I am w/ the paradox of TFRM4's "success."
Jun 28, 10:18
Also, quality control has made "Captain America" and "X-Men" now bigger domestically than "Spider-Man." Just a few years ago, Spidey was #1.
Jun 28, 10:24
LMFAO!!! man, you're VERY upset. it's tough because the quality of story can really be improved, but they release
Jun 28, 10:32
It's not shocking: there's fanboys from the '80s that deserve better, but they still hope. It's heartbreaking really. Also, on story-->
Jun 28, 10:44
Michael Bay is a genius... givin 'em what they want (see inside)
Jun 28, 10:36
if this graph ain't telling, I don't know what is!
Jun 28, 10:37
There's just way too many variables to say that is the sole correlation. Cute. I didn't realize there were really that many explosions.
Jun 28, 10:52
it's a fun graph. That's about it
Jun 28, 11:07
Those are awesome, thanks!
Jun 28, 16:00
Transformers 3 made over 1b worldwide on a 200m budget. If I were paramount I'd love bay to death.
Jun 28, 10:22
for me, screenwriter Ehren Kruger's quote from the other day sums it up...
Jun 28, 11:05
Right, the guy that said "logical sense doesn't have to be the end-all, be-all" for plots: already proved my point they're lazy amateurs.
Jun 28, 12:51
This was such an entertaining thread to read.. I wish for a good TRFM movie too, but will have to live with explosions i guess
Jun 28, 12:17
BO notes TFRM4's Flixster audience score FYI...
Jun 28, 15:45