Frozen 2? Mar 13, 17:13
2 weeks from now {nm} Mar 13, 17:33
And for only $300 a share!!!! {nm} Mar 13, 17:56
Move over little dog cause the big dog's moving in Mar 13, 17:58
If you think it's overpriced, then short it. Easy peasy. {nm} Mar 13, 20:26
Hsx shareholder will suffer lost around 3 million-20 million one day. {nm} Mar 13, 18:27
It's only money. Actually, it's not even money. {nm} Mar 13, 19:10
No, it's not money... it's HONOR! {nm} Mar 13, 19:19
I have lots of Honor. Mar 13, 21:30
HONOR! {nm} Mar 14, 04:26
I can make plenty of easy honor next week. {nm} Mar 14, 07:09
Still waiting for day when you say Hsx shareholder make money. Why always voice of doom? Play game more happy. {nm} Mar 13, 19:21
I LOLed {nm} Mar 13, 21:40
:p {nm} Mar 14, 01:05
What she said. {nm} Mar 14, 06:14
the movie is estimated to be released in winter 2018... there is no hurry to IPO something over three years away Mar 13, 19:10
well AVNG3 did IPO in feb but yeah no hurry -- the same lead time for Frozen would mean an IPO in September {nm} Mar 13, 19:25