New trailer for [MMAX4] Apr 28, 10:52
No amount of trailers will save this. {nm} Apr 28, 10:56
Save it from making a ton of $$? {nm} Apr 28, 11:03
BO projecting $38m for it. Looks like the best case scenario for it at this point. Twitter activity is quite sluggish {nm} Apr 28, 11:18
So what? BO guessed ADALn was gonna do $7M. {nm} Apr 28, 11:27
You'll see. I knew you'd say something. {nm} Apr 28, 11:36
Because one shouldn't over-rely on any one's guesstimate that's wrong ~30% of the time. {nm} Apr 28, 11:45
I'm far more experienced than you give me credit for, Anti. {nm} Apr 28, 12:08
LOL {nm} Apr 28, 12:19
they wouldnt be spending so much if they didnt think they were gonna recoup Apr 28, 11:03
IKR? It's like the most boring part of all the Mad Max movies is all that can make the trailer. (nm) Apr 28, 11:07
Shut up and blow up my money! ... Uh, wait a minute. Apr 28, 17:09