HSX Forum


AMC has a similar sensory friendly program

Posted by: drakkar on Dec 03, 09:03 in response to RazorHawk's post I don't get it... Regal Presents My Way Matinee......

I think it was AMC that started these.  They are called "sensory friendly" showings.  Sensory disorders are most associated with Austism.



I don't get it... Regal Presents My Way Matinee... "Sound turned down" "Lights turned up" "Feel free to cry, sing, shout, dance" ???? RazorHawk Dec 03, 07:35

I'm guessing this is basically for ADHD/autistic/asperger kids. {nm} shaunwins Dec 03, 07:46

it is {nm} notfabio Dec 03, 07:49

Uncool bro Redag Dec 03, 08:04

If he's not correct, who do you suggest these screenings are designed for? {nm} ndmaster Dec 03, 08:19

I do not claim to know. Redag Dec 03, 08:53

You are way too sensitive to what he said. He is not blaming anyone for anything. ndmaster Dec 03, 08:58

I don't understand either... is the movie paused while this happens? Like an intermission? {nm} RamsFan2004 Dec 03, 08:21

It's a test program. It's purposefully vague so they can tailor it if there is enough demand. {nm} notfabio Dec 03, 08:31

It's an offshoot of the Mommy and Me type screenings. These showtimes would generally have 10 people or less on a weekday. {nm} notfabio Dec 03, 08:34

I see. But excuse me, aren't parents going to these shows trying to distract their kids with the movie so they can relax?... RamsFan2004 Dec 03, 09:00

They don't stop the movie. Children on the Autistic Spectrum process sensory information differently... hyperzeitgeist Dec 03, 09:11

Ok. Thanks for clearing it up. {nm} RamsFan2004 Dec 03, 10:22

They don't stop the movie drakkar Dec 03, 09:12

He is correct though. It is sponsored by Puzzles International. That is an Autism awareness and advocacy group {nm} dioneta Dec 03, 08:29

I wonder if you replied to the wrong post? {nm} ndmaster Dec 03, 08:59

AMC has a similar sensory friendly program drakkar Dec 03, 09:03

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