Michael Reagan and Patti Davis outraged by use of REAGAN's Alzheimer's for a comedy Apr 28, 15:03
Tough Bite. Inside is a Complete List of all the Comedies that have never Outraged or Offended a Single Person. Apr 28, 15:09
How many based on a real person's illness? {nm} Apr 28, 15:09
Please Provide a List of all the Things that you can't Make a Comedy about & Explain Why. Thanks. {nm} Apr 28, 15:18
I think Mel Brooks sets the boundaries pretty damn clearly Apr 28, 15:21
+1 {nm} Apr 29, 05:34
You didn't answer the question. {nm} Apr 28, 15:24
You didn't Provide the List. ..... Waiting. {nm} Apr 28, 15:29
You're hilarious. I asked first. You changed the subject. {nm} Apr 28, 15:32
his google searches came up empty but here's one - The Madness of King George {nm} Apr 28, 15:36
I haven't seen it, but seems more like a straight biopic Apr 28, 15:39
its more dramedy than comedy but theres a enough humor in it to qualify in this discussion {nm} Apr 28, 15:41
To me, this is the same thing as how I find The Producers hilarious and Life is Beautiful offensive Apr 28, 15:19
They could just change the name of the President. {nm} Apr 28, 15:27
The Comedy 'Hogan's Heroes' was about a Nazi Concentration Camp (Prisoner Of War - POW Camp). {nm} Apr 28, 15:29
Brooks is talking about death camps {nm} Apr 28, 15:38
Nobody Died in the Nazi POW Concentration Camps? {nm} Apr 28, 15:50
not in Hogan's Heroes, no. In fact, HH's is criticized for trivializing what camps were really like Apr 28, 15:58
Amazing true fact: The guy who played LeBeau on Hogan's Heroes had been in a German concentration camp Apr 28, 22:59
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - mental illness Apr 28, 18:36
If this was a movie made mocking a person who died of AIDS, would there be a different reaction? {nm} Apr 28, 15:31
"When AIDS was Funny". Reagan administration's chilling response to the AIDS crisis... Apr 28, 15:42
+1. {nm} Apr 28, 15:51
Thjey made fun of Reagan's Alzheimer's while he was still alive.... Apr 28, 16:04
What is that? A British puppet show? {nm} Apr 28, 16:20
You lived through the 80's Anti.... you saw that puppet here... Apr 28, 16:30
Oh wow.. I remember that now. {nm} Apr 29, 05:36
this seems like the occasion for which the term "too soon" was invented {nm} Apr 28, 23:00
Michael and Patti need to read up on the term "Streisand effect". {nm} Apr 29, 09:37