BMD: The Soft Sexism Of Hating On The New GHOSTBUSTERS May 18, 10:04
the jokes they're showing in the trailers would be equally unfunny if the cast was Kevin James and some SNL regulars {nm} May 18, 10:07
Ghostbusters trailers are of equal quality to Pixels which also did not interest me {nm} May 18, 10:11
the question is.. Is GHST3 getting more fan hatred than say Pixels, even though they suck equally? May 18, 11:37
Couldn't possible be any other explanation... May 18, 13:32
Because Star Wars had beloved characters returningfrom the trilogy plus OISAA and JBOYE, not a new all-female cast. {nm} May 18, 14:01
I was actually interested in seeing Pixels based on the early promos. Right up until they showed Adam Sandler. {nm} May 18, 13:39
Yup. Same here. Once I saw Sandler was in Pixels I wasn't much interested too. {nm} May 18, 16:01
It reminds me of the movie "Grown Ups" with female leads and Proton Packs. Not Funny. {nm} May 18, 10:22
For me, it just looks super cheap and having a cast of SNL stars and Thor doesn't help. {nm} May 18, 10:26
So it reminds you of a movie that made a ton of money? {nm} May 18, 10:49
The first trailer got to 800k dislikes. Though this is better It'll still bomb since it not funny and not serious. {nm} May 18, 10:27
no, Ghostbusters is definitely a movie {nm} May 18, 10:37
The issues the essay brings up do not apply to me - the essay said so... May 18, 11:00
but you still posted about your dislike in this thread (about how sexism is a motivation in outpouring of hate) May 18, 11:07
but all those reasons can apply to hundreds of other films. Lots of films are remakes. Lots of films have bad jokes & bad CGI May 18, 11:24
where are you finding this outrage at? From my perspective its par for the course. {nm} May 18, 12:31
GHST3's trailer is the most disliked movie trailer on YouTube of all time. It's up there with Justin Bieber videos. May 18, 12:43
because its had more views than pixels & FF4 combined. {nm} May 18, 17:01
Did it get 25 x the # of combined views? Because it got 25 x the # of combined downvotes. {nm} May 18, 17:59
im not going to click or read it, Cliffs? {nm} May 18, 11:11
** This post has been removed by the forum moderator! ** May 18, 11:12
"You don't have to be sexist to dislike {GHST3}, but it helps." May 18, 11:13
If the media keeps erroneously going on and on about the reason for people not liking this new GB being the all-female cast... May 18, 12:49
You're trying to assign blame when really it's just reaction to a ridiculously awful trailer. May 18, 17:02
fanboys are not the only target audience. Studio films aim to get a wider audience. May 18, 19:29