but secretstalker saw it before all of us and said that it was too dark and not for kids! this cant be possible. {nm} Mar 05, 11:02
That will probably come out in the legs. Everyone "knows" Alice in Wonderland is a kids movie. {nm} Mar 05, 11:40
Yea but he played it long. {nm} Mar 05, 12:01
Wow, why are you putting words in my mouth? Find the place where I said it "too dark and not for kids"? Mar 05, 12:08
i dunno what their point was but "This is WheretheWildThings Are all over again...some will love it but mainstream audiences probably wont" Mar 05, 14:30
I saw people on the street dressed as the mad hatter... if that's not a long I don't know what is... {nm} Mar 05, 13:41