I agree with Dell. I am considered "The Movie Man" by most people that know me and I am currently trying to get into the entertaining bussiness in acting and screenplay witing. Dell expresses that movie don't do as well as the original ones do, they don't because on the story, it either doesn't work with the original storyline and it will flop, and/or the changing of the actors in a movie that are taking over a familiar character such as Marry Poppins, Jane, Micheal, Mr. Banks, and Jack. Some movie should never have a sequiel and that includes Marry Poppins. It is risky and difficult on trying to get the audience to be on the possitive side of the film without having mixed feelings. Take The Bourne movies, switching Bournes characted and putting in a new one, when fans were excited for the return of Jason Bourne, Matt Damon. The XXX movies, changing XXX from Vin Diesel to Ice Cube was a risky move, but it came through, not as good as the first movie but did alright. The third XXX made the difference though, bringing back Diesel. Animated movie you can make over and over, with sequels and other storylines, but with real actors its more harder. Good Luck and wishing the best. Marry Poppins was my childhood favorite movie, and when they make Mr. Banks, it was a delight. ~Jubbagga