OW Gutcheck Time - Short. (always more fun before the preview numbers) {nm} May 05, 05:49
short May 05, 06:00
I'm short, too, but not by much? {nm} May 05, 06:09
long {nm} May 05, 06:22
or short based on the preview number {nm} May 05, 09:27
Holding. Seems about right. {nm} May 05, 06:28
Short, but only just barely {nm} May 05, 06:50
Holding long. {nm} May 05, 06:59
Short {nm} May 05, 07:20
Short. Seems like more downside than upside to me.. {nm} May 05, 07:21
I'm with you. ( so be good, please :-) {nm} May 05, 08:17
The gut checks are for the .OW, not the stock {nm} May 05, 08:26
short May 05, 08:17
Short like Rocket. {nm} May 05, 09:11
Short city. {nm} May 05, 10:41