THR: Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are no longer directing Han Solo: A Star Wars Story [SWAR2] Jun 20, 16:35
in the middle of production?! Oh-oh. {nm} Jun 20, 16:37
Star Wars press release Jun 20, 16:39
Disney didn't even wait until Friday for the bad news. Jun 20, 16:43
Probably someone already contacted them about rumors and "forced" their hand. {nm} Jun 20, 16:44
L&M would seem likely to go more comedic, maybe they weren't bringing enough dramatic/action Jun 20, 16:49
One would think something like that would be brought up *before* production, not this far in... {nm} Jun 20, 16:52
right? hard is it to peek at their filmography beforehand? {nm} Jun 20, 19:06
No kidding. I know there's a lot of trust with Disney and Star Wars, they're lucky Rogue One was well liked but... Jun 20, 20:01
Rogue One reshoots were partly to shift it to be more in line with Saga films so that's probably not far off the mark Jun 20, 17:02
THR's McClintock: A source tells me there are three weeks left to go... must've been a real war for the directors to leave... Jun 20, 17:14
like, there was a locked script when they started {nm} Jun 20, 17:15
Maybe they wanted Han to shoot first and set a precedent, seriously. {nm} Jun 20, 17:23
Patty Jenkins! {nm} Jun 20, 16:38
Lawrence Kasdan or Tony Gilroy would be my guess as fixers. {nm} Jun 20, 16:48
whoa. {nm} Jun 20, 17:29
Ron Howard? {nm} Jun 20, 19:27
Faverau!!!! {nm} Jun 21, 08:18
Favreau (sorry for the misspelling Jon) {nm} Jun 21, 08:21