SPID6 previews - $15.4M Jul 07, 07:18
Outstanding! {nm} Jul 07, 07:20
sweet. my crowd really enjoyed it. {nm} Jul 07, 07:27
A few comps: CAPA3 7.2x, $111M | SUICD 6.5x, $100M | DRSTR 9.0x, $138M | GOTG2 8.6x, $132M | WONDR 9.4x $145M {nm} Jul 07, 07:30
I think guardians 1 and ant man are the best comps, 8.4-8.9x {nm} Jul 07, 07:31
6 Spider-Man movies have built up more fanboys than the first Guardian and Ant-Man. {nm} Jul 07, 08:23
Only diehard comic geeks have even heard of Guardians and Antman before the movie. {nm} Jul 07, 08:28
I think the question is, 6 movies, 2 reboots would hurt this incarnation (plus the last two were, well, underwhelming). {nm} Jul 07, 08:52
Based on the midnights, obv question has been answered. Marvel and Sony win. {nm} Jul 07, 08:56
CAPA3 though. But we'll see {nm} Jul 07, 09:40
Yeah, wouldn't surprise me either. But going a bit higher. {nm} Jul 07, 10:53
IMHO it will be at least WW...... {nm} Jul 07, 09:01
WONDR had more older women who don't rush out opening night. {nm} Jul 07, 09:16
Exactly.......... but they will take their whole families on the weekends on recomendations they recieved {nm} Jul 07, 09:28
Sorry, I don't see women talking about Spidey the way they talk about a movie they been waiting their whole life to see. {nm} Jul 07, 09:37