HSX Forum


Just wait until after THOR3 opens, IMO it'll go up as marketing amps up more. {nm}

Posted by: -JPV- on Oct 26, 09:59 in response to mexgoer33's post "Super"? Considering BVS opened to 166M I don't...

DL: ‘Justice League’ Hits Tracking With Super $110M-$120M Opening [JLEAG] -JPV- Oct 26, 07:00

The revised estimated for Thor: Ragnarok is in the $125M vicinity this morning on industry tracking. {nm} -JPV- Oct 26, 07:00

Wow, didn't think a 45 percent increase over the last film was likely. {nm} RollingThunder Oct 26, 07:06

Agreed given, IMO anyway, how poor THOR2 was, but a 99% on RT helps. Also, tracking is still strange to me. THOR3 was 90-110M 2 wks ago. -JPV- Oct 26, 07:09

99%. Wow, a better film than Dunkirk, Darkest Hour, Three Billboards, Shape of Water, or any other Oscar film. goodvibe61 Oct 26, 08:28

Calling it now, THOR3 will be nominated for Best Picture! {nm} -JPV- Oct 26, 09:36

Just looked, down to 97%. Now it'll be nominated for a Razzie. -JPV- Oct 26, 09:39

showing Hulk as a major part of the story in ads recently. as an ally too... so that has to be helping {nm} lobogotti Oct 26, 08:00

I don't recall what the reviews for THOR2 were like, but the BO numbers were a nice bump over THOR1... tealfan Oct 26, 09:24

"Super"? Considering BVS opened to 166M I don't see it so super. And also take into account delist multiplier of 1.86 {nm} mexgoer33 Oct 26, 09:42

Just wait until after THOR3 opens, IMO it'll go up as marketing amps up more. -JPV- Oct 26, 09:59

I think we have to wait also for Reviews. If Wedons saves it or makes a sad clown mess {nm} mexgoer33 Oct 26, 11:22

IDK, didn't seem to effect SUICD plus WONDR's good will, and that Gadot is or will be at the forefront of pub, should help. {nm} -JPV- Oct 26, 13:07

I think these numbers will be walked steadily higher as it gets closer. Wonder Woman alone will be a huge draw. A better mult. too IMO {nm} tomcat90 Oct 26, 15:10

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