Minions 3 Illumination will produce a third Minions animated film from the Despicable Me franchise. Pierre Coffin returns to...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Paramount is producing a third Sonic the Hedgehog based on the SEGA videogame series.
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though one is a period piece with a built-in audience, versus a broader MMCAR comedy {nm}
Posted by: slipping jimmy (a.k.a mickpix) on Sep 19, 11:56 in response to notfabio's post It seems...odd.. to open such a heavy female demoagainst...
Focus Features will release the Downton Abbey movie on Friday, September 20, 2019 [DWTAB] Antibody Sep 19, 10:09
It seems...odd.. to open such a heavy female demoagainst Melissa McCarthy for the same target age group and one week before Charlies Angels {nm} notfabio Sep 19, 11:41
though one is a period piece with a built-in audience, versus a broader MMCAR comedy slipping jimmy Sep 19, 11:56
I still think DOWNTON ABBEY will murderlize it, just seems odd to give up any audience a year out in Sept(I'm sure they will aim for awards) notfabio Sep 19, 12:10
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