Watched STAR8 last night on TNT for first time since seeing it in the theater Dec 30, 11:58
And three well liked movies including LOOPER which got him SW Dec 30, 12:28
Plus the episodes of Breaking Bad he directed are among the most acclaimed in the show's entire run. Dec 30, 13:33
Ozymandias yes, but it was the script, not the direction, that made it great. Dec 30, 18:07
I rewatched it last year and felt the opposite. Despite the flaws it's the only decent one of the new trilogy Dec 30, 12:48
Saw it in the theater and again when it came out on Blu-ray, feelings remained the same, visually great, bad script. Dec 30, 13:09
some say he didn't have carte blanche and now we hear that bringing back Palpatine was Kathleen Kennedy's idea...too many cooks? Dec 30, 16:42
ah...too many cooks and one hot potato =P {nm} Dec 30, 16:43
Too many cooks, all with hot potatoes! {nm} Dec 30, 17:10
STAR8 had its problems but it did set a course for part 3. Dec 30, 13:37
Yep. I was intrigued by that possibility. Got fan-service instead. Oh well. {nm} Dec 31, 08:18
The reason part 8 was made as to connect it to 9 🙄 {nm} Dec 31, 21:43