HSX Forum
caught RBNHD matinee. Maybe 1/5th as good as Kingdom of Heaven. Never really felt lke it\ went anywhere.
May 14, 16:51
Your IM leaves a lot lacking. It doesn't sound too good, but what is normal at that first showing, and how many seats are there, etc etc
May 14, 16:53
Its easily 300 seats. Theres no norm i know of since i don't normally get into a movie at 1 pm on a Friday.
May 14, 16:57
Ok, thanks. It beats me why theatres even screen movies that early, on regular week days.
May 14, 17:10
Well it is a Friday and people taking one day off will generally go Monday or Friday. I'll make one comment as to the quality of the film.
May 14, 18:20
hahaha i haven't seen the new one but thats bold of you. but i may agree with you later.
May 14, 18:34
Saw it and liked it better than Ironman
May 14, 22:04
That's interesting... I'm thinking one has to have an open minded, about the Robin Hood story? Clean slate/tabula rasa, sort of?
May 15, 02:23
I go out of my way to see Crowe. I love Blanchetts work. I see everything Ridley Scott makes.
May 15, 03:52
So it was sub-par for Scott? What, in broad strokes, would you say went wrong with this project, then? Spoiler-free, please.
May 15, 05:28
I will attempt to answer you although its by no means an easy task.
May 15, 06:34
Ok, that's fine and I thank you, but I was also thinking in terms of who may have made this a sub-par effort, if that is so. Does it seem to
May 15, 07:13
The story was blah,never caught me in its grip. No to awards.
May 15, 07:33
That should have read Ironman 2
May 14, 22:05
A sequel?
May 15, 04:28