HSX Forum


I will attempt to answer you although its by no means an easy task.

Posted by: tradermark on May 15, 06:34 in response to Facto's post So it was sub-par for Scott? What, in broad strokes,...

Character development for one. In his other movies you always felt you knew the people in the main roles. I never felt that was the case here as we jumped from one scene to the next.

 Theres a scene of revelation between Crowe and Blanchett where her reaction seems implausible especialy as greater detail is given.

  The denizens of sherwood are unlike any others ever presented. I can mention a fictional character that will immediately come to mind to anyone that has seen the movie but it would be an unqualified spoiler.

  The ultimate battle scene lacked the intensity that Ridley Scott normally imparts to such scenes.

caught RBNHD matinee. Maybe 1/5th as good as Kingdom of Heaven. Never really felt lke it\ went anywhere. tradermark May 14, 16:51

Your IM leaves a lot lacking. It doesn't sound too good, but what is normal at that first showing, and how many seats are there, etc etc {nm} Facto May 14, 16:53

Its easily 300 seats. Theres no norm i know of since i don't normally get into a movie at 1 pm on a Friday. tradermark May 14, 16:57

Ok, thanks. It beats me why theatres even screen movies that early, on regular week days. Facto May 14, 17:10

Well it is a Friday and people taking one day off will generally go Monday or Friday. I'll make one comment as to the quality of the film. tradermark May 14, 18:20

hahaha i haven't seen the new one but thats bold of you. but i may agree with you later. {nm} NOLEAFCLOVR May 14, 18:34

Saw it and liked it better than Ironman {nm} Pandorawc May 14, 22:04

That's interesting... I'm thinking one has to have an open minded, about the Robin Hood story? Clean slate/tabula rasa, sort of? Facto May 15, 02:23

I go out of my way to see Crowe. I love Blanchetts work. I see everything Ridley Scott makes. tradermark May 15, 03:52

So it was sub-par for Scott? What, in broad strokes, would you say went wrong with this project, then? Spoiler-free, please. {nm} Facto May 15, 05:28

I will attempt to answer you although its by no means an easy task. tradermark May 15, 06:34

Ok, that's fine and I thank you, but I was also thinking in terms of who may have made this a sub-par effort, if that is so. Does it seem to Facto May 15, 07:13

The story was blah,never caught me in its grip. No to awards. {nm} tradermark May 15, 07:33

That should have read Ironman 2 {nm} Pandorawc May 14, 22:05

A sequel? alexferguson60 May 15, 04:28

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