DL: Brendan Fraser to play supervillain Firefly in Batgirl [BATGR] Oct 25, 12:07
Probably going to be similar to his DOOM PATROL character, he'll mostly appear in flashbacks, and do voice over for a costumed stunt actor Oct 25, 12:22
BORYS KIT: I hear he plays (mobster) Carmine Falcone Oct 25, 12:28
Stallone was offered and said no, the major other role is his son who gets romantically involved with Batgirl {nm} Oct 25, 12:31
Falcone makes more sense. {nm} Oct 25, 12:43
Kit: I stand corrected: Warner Bros. insiders say Fraser is definitely playing Firefly. Oct 25, 12:44
John Turturro is playing Carmine Falcone in THE BATMAN, would be super confusing if someone else is playing him in BATGIRL. Oct 25, 12:47
Not really, not more so than 2 Gordon. We have 3 actors playing Batman next year. {nm} Oct 25, 12:50
Dune 2021 - B+; Dune 1984 - B- Oct 25, 12:39