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Never under estimate the power of Twitter... {nm}

Posted by: Biff68 (a.k.a Bronzey) on Jun 04, 20:04 in response to Facto's post As of right now, Splice is trending on Twitter. No other...

As of right now, Splice is trending on Twitter. No other movie - opener or not - is currently trending there. {nm} Facto Jun 04, 18:39

Probably a lot of "There's a movie called Splice playing here... anyone know what that is?" stuff like that... {nm} secretstalker Jun 04, 18:41

"Who's up for a movie and a splice of pizza?" {nm} islander Jun 04, 18:45

lol {nm} kalelanalang Jun 04, 18:48

L3! Good one! :) {nm} secretstalker Jun 04, 18:50

Nah.. I checked it last night, too, and it was all about wanting to go see it. It had by far the highest intensity of tweets among openers Facto Jun 04, 18:57

not sure it does mean much on IMDB, being told something has gone up 700% in popularity can be misleading.. CityHall Jun 04, 20:08

This is the exact reason trending means little on Twitter apart from getting a snapshot. {nm} horlicks Jun 04, 20:15

Obviously, and I mentioned this in my previous post about that fact (that it had gone up 700% in interest this week, on Imdb.com). {nm} Facto Jun 05, 06:42

Never under estimate the power of Twitter... Biff68 Jun 04, 20:04

Trending means little in itself. Greek has doubled its tweets for the entire day. Splice is #2 though. horlicks Jun 04, 20:06

I think both Splice and GHTG are under estimated right now. The 1st has legs to last, the second I saw at premiere and was hilarious {nm} leshann Jun 04, 20:27

samples of trending Splice tweets on Twitter... RazorHawk Jun 04, 20:36

And I thought RT critics could be mean... {nm} Matias Jun 04, 20:50

I don't know about anyone else, but now I want to see it!! {nm} Biff68 Jun 04, 21:25

Absolutely agree, I'll be reserving it on the Redbox {nm} Chefbobcat Jun 04, 21:50

You should see it... though one of those tweets was accurate but I won't spoil it by saying which :) {nm} secretstalker Jun 04, 23:36

You sure you didn't just find the negative ones, and leave out the positive or interested/curious ones.. ? ;-) {nm} Facto Jun 05, 06:40

uh dude... RazorHawk Jun 05, 08:09

It's been a long time since you "uh dude"-ed me, if ever :-P {nm} Facto Jun 05, 08:13

Checking for myself - here are the latest tweets about Splice (if this copy/paste will work, that is.. ) Facto Jun 05, 09:13

F.ex: "Splice != Species, there's no Deus ex Machina, it's about what we do to ourselves. It's too smart for most viewers." {nm} Facto Jun 05, 09:15

So this week should kill the Twitter prediction myth dead right? AB_Excello Jun 05, 12:46

Word. From here on, "It's trending on Twitter", means ZERO. Or maybe the opposite. {nm} goodvibe61 Jun 05, 13:04

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