HSX Forum


Could [GIJOE] purposely be lowering expectations?

Posted by: Smoothie King (a.k.a SmoothieKing) on Jul 21, 08:49

Could the studio be using the tactic of lowering expectations in order to give the movie a chance with the public.  GIJOE is a tough premise to under take - given the success of Iron Man, Transformers and The Dark Knight- you don't want to be DareDevil.  If you put out rumors like the ones we have heard, you lower the expectations to the point where all the movie has to do is not be Ishtar in order to be a success.  I for one, never thought the rumors jived with the trailers; which I for one thought were very good.  Now, I do concede the point that this movie is not for everyone and could SUCK. 

I keep hearing about the GIJOE following; did I miss something?  I would be that there are more Firefly supporters out there today, than GIJOE supporters.  Riddle me this batman, when was the last time you have seen or heard of anyone dressing up as a GIJOE character at any of these ridiculous SciFi or Comic conventions?  Sure 25 years ago there were campy cartoons and a moderately succesful comic book.  But the GIJOE in the late 80's doesn't look anything like the GIJOE of the 60's and 70's.  So why should this GIJOE look anything like the one from the 80's, after all today it is a declining toy brand with no comic support.

That being said, my guess is the studio thought it would be tough to be taken seriously as an action adventure film.  Now with three positive reviews and the announcement of a sequel, it's looking more and more like this was a ruse all along.  I mean if it was that bad, would we have seen as many trailers as we have or would we be hearing about a STV release.  But I do find it hard to believe that GIJOE will be worse than WOLVE or TERM4.



Tag(s): GIJOE

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